How do I make a purchase?
To make an order on our website, simply browse through our clothing collection and select the items you wish to purchase. Once you've found the perfect pieces, choose your size and color, then click "Add to Cart." When you're ready to check out, go to your cart, and click "Proceed to Checkout." Enter your shipping information, select your payment method, and complete the order. You’ll receive an email confirmation once your order is processed!
How do I know if my order is confirmed?
Once your order is confirmed, you will receive an email confirmation with all the details of your purchase, including the items, shipping address, and order number. You can also check your order status by logging into your account on our website. If there are any issues or delays, we'll notify you via email.
Can I change my shipping address after my order is placed?
Once your order is placed, we’re unable to change the shipping address. However, if you contact our customer support at spotitbh.com@gmail.com as soon as possible, we’ll do our best to assist you!
Shipping & Returns
Do you ship internationally?
At the moment, we only ship to the GCC countries and Jordan. While we are unable to offer international shipping beyond these areas right now, we are actively working on expanding our shipping options. We hope to offer more destinations in the near future, so stay tuned for updates!
What is your return policy?
All sales are final, and we do not accept returns on any items. Please make sure to carefully review your order before completing the purchase. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact our customer support team.
How long will it take until I receive my order?
All orders are processed and shipped within 3 days of placing your order. Depending on your location, delivery may take between 1 to 3 weeks. We appreciate your patience and aim to get your order to you as quickly as possible!